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Barbour Publishing, Inc.

The Super Mom Myth

The Super Mom Myth

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"This book isn't about raising kids. It's about raising moms," says author, speaker, blogger, lunch packer, and sidewalk chalk artist becky kopitzke. In a pinterest-perfect culture, moms sense an accelerated pressure to measure up. Then they either weigh themselves down with guilt or become resigned--desensitized, even--to this so-called failure. The supermom myth--with humor and grace, yet all the while maintaining a firm grasp on reality--aims to empower women to become the moms god created them to be. With 8 chapters, each personifying a "Dirty villain" of motherhood, including the grouch on the couch (anger), worry woman (fear), and the calendar queen (busyness), Kopitzke gently reminds moms to rest in the super power of our grace-filled God. Author: Becky Kopitzke. Page count: 256. Size: 4.1875" x 6.875". Format: PB - mass market.
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